Hyperspectral data as a biodiversity screening tool can differentiate among diverse Neotropical fishes
Land cover, land use, and climate change impacts on endemic cichlid habitats in Northern Tanzania
Freshwater fish habitat complexity mapping using above and underwater Structure-From-Motion photogrammetry
High-resolution surface water classifications of the Xingu River, Brazil, pre and post operationalization of the Belo Monte hydropower complex
Conservation and trade of the endangered Hypancistrus zebra (Siluriformes, Loricariidae), one of the most trafficked Brazilian fish
A new multi-temporal forest cover classification for the Xingu River Basin, Brazil
UAV-based 3D point clouds of freshwater fish habitats, Xingu River Basin, Brazil
Before and after: A multiscale remote sensing assessment of the Sinop dam, Mato Grosso, Brazil
A review of remote sensing of submerged aquatic vegetation for non-specialists
Spectral complexity of hyperspectral images: A new approach for mangrove classification
Deciphering the many maps of the Xingu River Basin - an assessment of land cover classifications at multiple scales
Habitat loss in the restricted range of the endemic Ghanaian cichlid Limbochromis robertsi
Smallholder agriculture results in stable forest cover in riverine Amazonia.
Multi-Temporal Surface Water Classification for Four Major Rivers from the Peruvian Amazon
Water column compensation workflow for hyperspectral imaging data